“Our mission is to promote and encourage the empowerment of service users so that each individual pursues their highest possible degree of personal wellbeing and independence.”

What we do

Caedu aims to provide all Service Users with a secure, relaxed and homely environment in which their care, wellbeing and comfort are our main concern.

Staff will strive to preserve and maintain the dignity, individuality and privacy of all Service Users within a warm, friendly and caring atmosphere and in so doing will be sensitive to the Service Users ever changing needs. Such needs may be medical/therapeutic (for physical and mental welfare), cultural, psychological, spiritual, emotional and social. At all times residents are encouraged to participate in the development of their individualised Care Plans in which the involvement of family and friends may be appropriate and is greatly valued.

This will be achieved through a structural programme of activities designed to meet an individual’s needs. We aim to promote independence, self-esteem and social interaction within the community following the core values of care, which are fundamental to the philosophy of our home.

Care planning and delivery


 At Tŷ Pen Y Banc our care plans reflect the individual’s needs in various domains including cultural, social, educational and occupational needs. We support our residents to plan their week using an activity schedule, which also allows us to facilitate appropriate support and transport for activities as needed. We also support our residents to plan and undertake household activities such as cooking, laundry, shopping, and cleaning.


Tŷ Pen Y Banc is a family run business which benefits from 15 years experience managing residential units for individuals with severe and enduring mental health needs.

Our family also has extensive knowledge of NHS mental health services, and includes a consultant psychiatrist and specialist pharmacist who are always available to support staff at Tŷ Pen Y Banc. We believe this combination of expertise will allow us to provide thoughtful, safe and effective care for our service users.

Our residents will be allocated a key worker suited to their needs, who will be an experienced member of the team. The key worker will work closely with the individual to settle in, build relationships, identify their goals, and review their care plan at regular intervals.

Key workers will attend appointments where possible, and will provide detailed feedback and reports as required. Key Workers will have regular supervision and support from their team leader and the manager of Tŷ Pen Y Banc in developing and maintaining care plans.

Tŷ Pen y Banc, Black Lion Road, Llanelli, SA14 6RU


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